Wednesday, June 10, 2015

#1: List 52 random facts about yourself.

So here is Question #1 of my 32-question thing I posted before. It's SO random, but still. Hope you like it!

1. My favorite color is pink but I usaually say it's green, IDK why.
2. I am almost definitely addicted to music. I don't think anyone my age in the world can honestly NOT relate to that
3. There is a 99% chance that I will over analyze and/or judge and/or ignore everything you say. Not to make you uncomfortable or anything.
4. I hate Batman for no real reason. Sorry...please don't hate me now...I know I'm lame.
5. If I sleep in, I don't eat breakfast. (cuz, ya know, sleeping. Can't eat breakfast for lunch)
6. I LOOOOOOVE reading!!!!!!! I MUST READ EVERY PIECE OF EVERYTHING EVER WRITTEN IN ALL OF HISTORY!!! Oh.... unless someone says it's awful. Or it's like....long. Then never.
7. If you read something I wrote and think it sounds sarcastic, it probably is. Just FYI. Might be helpful to know.
8. I find that drunk text fails are often hilarious. And Avengers texts. Seriously just go look up some text fails. They're all pretty awesome.
9. I have never gotten a [medical] shot. Ever. No, not even a tetanus shot. And no, not a flu shot either. And no, I'm not dead, and no, I'm not sickly. Also I have never caught anything you get shots
10. I have a grudge against flu shots. What's the point? You can't even get that sick with the flu.
11. I enjoy hearing different names people give to hair ties. (Like I've heard hair-pretty, scrunchie, ponytail, rubber-band...)
12. I know all 78 gifts for each of the 12 days of Christmas. Yeah I actually just did the math to find the total. #nerd
13. My room is always messy, and the only time I ever fell like cleaning it I'm either about to leave or laying in bed at 2 am.
14. I always stay up late, no matter it's hard for me to fall asleep before 11...
15. I LOVE Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzhurbert! Best Disney guy ever! And yes. I do realize he's animated.
16. I am EXTREMELY picky about walls being painted neatly. Not helpful when trying to redecorate your bedroom with your non-perfectionist mother
17. I have an obsession with drawing on my hands :).
18. I love photography and might want it to be my career.
19. I've only attended a "real" school for 1 full academic year in my entire life (not including preschool and kindergarten). Don't worry I have been schooled. At home. I am homeschooled, but not a homeSCHOOLER. I WILL explain the difference sometime.
20. I don't own a cell phone and never have. Except maybe I will. Like after I have money to pay for one.
21. I'm not allowed to date and I don't care. Most of the time.....? Ok yeah I care.
22. I owned two goats and 15 chickens for almost 2 years. And I live in a subdivision. Yeah.
23. I hate running. Please say you agree. It's, like, the worst invention ever. Unless you're about to die. Ya know, like, from zombies or something.
24. I have a Paris-themed room. Not because I'm obsessed with Paris, because there's so much Eiffel Tower decor at Hobby Lobby and stuff
25. I (not shamefully) (please don't stop reading my blog because of this) (yeah I know I'm insane and "should be killed with fire" as one lovely person said) really love the song "Baby" by Justin Bieber
26. My nickname got made up cuz my friends were mad at me for having a 1-syllable name and decided to use my initials to produce "Ges" (Jess...or guess, but that's confusing sounding) so at least it has less letters. Ya know since all their nicknames are a max of 2 letters. Not.
27. If you haven't noticed, I'm easily distracted by my own thoughts that are somehow vaguely connected to what's actually happening. But I will NOT make the squirrel joke.
28. I like Little Caesars better than almost any other pizza. Yeah I haven't exactly tasted that many brands though

May I just say: THIS IS SOOOO HARD! Let's see...

29. I watch the show OUAT. And if you don't know what that is, look it up. And ship Captain Swan already.
30. Netflix is my ex-best-friend cuz it betrayed me and has no new episodes of OUAT or Psych. Not like they can control that since stupid people cancelled that show. Shules. Please tell me you get that.
31.  I LOVE MARVEL!!!! IT IS THE BEST AND DC IS NOT. DO NOT EVEN TALK TO ME IF YOU DISLIKE CAPTAIN AMERICA!!! #teamcoulson. Btw, he's so still alive. Oh, and if you don't understand the references "he's adopted" "no, you move" "on your left" "Budapest" or "I understood that reference" you are not a true Marvel-er/Avenger.
32. I hate Disney for their annoying ability to make animated characters attractive. Like seriously are they trying to ruin my expectations?! I will NEVER find a guy with a satchel! Heck, I don't even like the woods. Fat chance of meeting my soulmate with that attitude.
33. I like using hashtags because I like saying the word hashtag. #basic #not
34. If you have a problem with God, Roman Catholics, or pro-lifers, I would prefer you stay away or at least avoid chewing me out about my beliefs. That is all. No hate.
35. I'm anti-LGBT in the sense of the lifestyle. If you disagree,again, please don't start a pointless argument. Thanks.
36. I'm American and not always proud of it. At the moment "the land of the free" may not be an exactly true statement...but I still think there's hope.
37. I get very annoyed when people randomly sing at the top of their lungs and won't shut up. Except I do that. The difference is I do it when I'm home alone or in the shower, not hanging out with my friends. Well, unless it's 1am. Cuz then it's our job to wake up everyone else within earshot
38. I had braces. But not real braces, according to some people. It's just Invisalign. Cuz that totally doesn't count, what with the overload of modern technology involved. Cuz braces aren't allowed to be modern or else they don't count
39. I have no social profiles except Google+. Right now. Except that might change by the time this gets posted since it's taking 3,000,000,000+ years
40. I got a goldfish when I was 4 and named him Jeff. He lived for 2 years. I also named our neighbor's chicken Sylvia, at 5. I have no idea where that came from.
41. I hate driving. I hope I can just have a roommate in college and she can just be in every single class with me and then I won't have to drive ever. That would be very convenient. And unlikely.
42. I once heard "Blank Space" playing on two different stations at the same time only 1 line behind the other, and my friend kept switching them back and forth and started chanting "Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift". It was annoying, but I laughed. Oops.
43. If I don't say "like" during a conversation, I may have been replaced by a Martian. So pay attention!
44. PREPARE YOURSELF TO BE MAD!!! Ok. Ahem. I do not like Harry Potter. *gets pelted by rotten tomatoes* Sorry not sorry.
45. I went to a prom that had no slow dancing songs. Literally. There fast music for 3 hours straight. And no slow dancing. At all. 
46. I have a family. And I am the oldest. And my parents are together! Yay! (That was the boring-est thing I hadn't said, haha)
47. In the neighborhood I live, everyone will look at you like you're evil if you wear mini skirts or short shorts. At least, my friends will. Ugh.
48. I got recruited to be a lifeguard at a summer camp and I'm not even certified. Not like details like that even matter, except for the fact that they do.
49. I love writing, but never write anything. So maybe that means this blog will get a lot of posts. But maybe it doesn't. 
50. I'm most likely making you think I'm a crazy person from this list.
51. This list took me a few decades of thinking to complete cuz I'm too busy to think on a regular basis, so I published it about a billion years after I started writing it. Like I don't remember when that was......Wow. I'm awful at blogs.
52. I never knew how hard it is to figure out this many facts about yourself until now! Like, try it. It's hard. Believe me. Reaaaaaaaaallllly hard.

Ok so I guess I might have cheated a little on those last few. But I ran out of stuff! You gotta understand. That took forever! And it was so random already. Anyway, I'm hoping to have a new post each week, but I don't know how realistic that is. I'll try.

Thanks for reading!

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